n Participants - Shipwreck Asia


Name Major/specialization Organization Roles in the project
Dr. Green, Jeremy Underwater archaeological survey, Asian shipbuilding technologies Director of Western Australia Maritime Museum Supervising shipwreck data analysis method
Mr. Kimura, Jun East Asian shipbuilding technologies, Spatial analysis Maritime Archaeology Program Flinders University Project Coordinator
Dr. Staniforth, Mark UCH management, Australian shipbuilding technologies Associate Professor
Maritime Archaeology Program Flinders University
Supervising the project
Dr. Cai, Wei Chinese shipbuilding technologies Associate Prof./Dir., Shipbuilding History Research Centre , WHUT Collecting shipwreck data and assessment in China
Mr. Xi, Longfei Chinese shipbuilding technologies and maritime history Honorary Professor, Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT) Shipwrecks/remains data assessment in China
Mr. Zhang, Wei Underwater Archaeology Dir., Underwater Archaeological Research Centre National Museum of China Collecting shipwreck data and assessment in China
Dr. Hang S. Choi Naval Architecture Prof. Dept. of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Seoul National Uni Data assessment of Korea shipwrecks/ship remains
Mr. Lee, Chul han Underwater ArchaeologyKorean shipbuilding technology National Research Institute of Marine Cultural Heritage Data analysis of Korean shipwrecks/ship remains
Mr. Hayashida, Kenzo Underwater Archaeology President, Asia Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology Data assessment of shipwrecks/ship remains in Japan
Mr. Miyashita, Hiroaki Nautical Archaeology, Management of open resources on the internet Asia Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology Shipwreck database development and management
Mr. Sasaki, Randall Nautical Archaeology, East Asian shipbuilding technologies Postgraduate student, Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University Collecting, analysing, and updating shipwreck data, co-author
Dr. Church, Sally Chinese maritime history Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge Data assessment
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